VAR Capital sponsored a dinner on Monday 29th April, 2019 with Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi, children’s rights activist and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. The dinner was held at China Tang restaurant of the Dorchester Hotel. In 2014, Mr. Satyarthi won the Nobel Peace Prize for his determined and tireless 30-year…
Vikash Gupta, the CEO and Co-Founder of VaR Capital was mentioned by FT in context of family offices using venture capital to involve younger members. An extract of the article: Often, though, it is the nature of the investment, not just the numbers, that enthuses the 20- or 30-year-olds. “Older…
About VAR Capital: VAR Capital was founded as a single-family office serving a British family. In 2015, it was relaunched as a multi-family office, which is now serving global families and institutional clients. We offer asset management, financing and corporate finance advice to some of the most high-profile families and…
VAR Capital CEO Vikash Gupta was recently interviewed by Robert Geen of Unquote on the trends of Private Equity investments by Family Offices. Unquote is one of the leading Private Equity publications, owned by the same company as Mergermarket and Debtwire. Vikash said that while earlier, many families invested in…
COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE – Londres le 15 février 2018 Capital reçoit plusieurs récompenses en gestion de patrimoine dans le cadre de l’enquête Euromoney Private Banking et Wealth Management publiée en février 2018. VAR Capital a été nommé meilleur gestionnaire d’actifs et meilleur prestataire de services de family office par ses…
London, February 12, 2018 ( – Hannelore Graf has agreed to join VAR Capital as an Advisor and Vice Chairman responsible for Middle East business. This follows from firm’s recent hire, Yousif Banayoti, who comes from UBS as Partner and Head of Middle East. Hanne served as a Senior Vice…
Graham Barber and Dina Geha have agreed to join the Advisory Board of VaR Capital. They bring significant business and strategy experience, and legal and financial acumen to VaR Capital. The VaR Capital advisory board is responsible for providing strategic guidance and a sounding board for the firm. It helps…
Vikash Gupta, the CEO and Co-Founder of VaR Capital was mentioned by FT in context of Family Governance and values. An extract of the article:Sometimes, families need to be challenged on their prioritiesSo how did this advice go down? Brilliantly, it seems. Alexandra Altinger, Sandaire’s chief executive, recalls “a very…
About the role We are looking for an analyst to join the growing team and participate in the success of the firm. The role will involve assisting the CIO of the firm with investment research / asset management, as well working with the COO of the firm on client servicing,…
Today, it feels like everything has changed—it’s either been closed, postponed, or canceled. Some states have officially shut down. You’re working from home, while watching your kids (and trying to teach them). You haven’t seen or hugged your loved ones in weeks. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.…