VAR Capital’s portfolios outperform peers shows MPI Indices tracker

In an effort to bring transparency and better understand our performance compared to our peers, VAR CAPITAL has been participating in Managed Portfolio Indices (MPI) – a performance benchmarking company for private wealth managers. Through this newsletter we bring to you a summary of how our portfolios have performed across major currencies.  PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE: GBP  For GBP denominated portfolios, VAR Capital outperformed MPI by more than 6% in the year till 31…

Webinar: Impact of coronavirus on family offices

Vikash Gupta, CEO at VAR Capital, was invited to speak at a webinar hosted by Transmission Private on the topic of how coronavirus has impacted the family office market. You can read the full transcript of the discussion here. Moderated by former Bloomberg anchor Kumutha Ramanathan, the discussion put a spotlight…

US presidential election update

The US presidential election day is around the corner and as expected, markets continue to be volatile. Even though the experience of 2016 has taught us to be cautious about over reliance on these predictions, we cannot ignore the odds consistently tilting towards a bigger Biden victory and increasingly also…