Please click on the link below to find our latest report from VAR Investment Committee meeting for Q3, 2020

VAR Investment Committee – September 2020

Short read:


  • Our core sector exposures continue to be Tech, Consumer Staples, Healthcare, and Utilities
  • The bulk of our bond investments remain Investment Grade and in Developed Markets
  • We have reduced our cash allocation from c.12% to c.7%, having deployed in European equities (overweight) and also some US Equities
  • We participated in new bond issues to take advantage of specific opportunities in a low yield environment
  • Some of our new trades include buying Walmart, Medtronic, Veolia, and Nissan’s new bond issue

Next steps

  • We are considering taking some profits off US equities prior to the US elections as a risk mitigation measure as well as potentially reducing our exposure to healthcare and stocks likely to suffer from a higher tax regime
  • We are currently investigating whether the Japanese stock market holds potential for upside opportunities

Lessons learnt

  • We missed out on US Treasuries which rallied significantly due to the Covid-linked market sell-off, having driven most of the performance of a few outperforming banks
  • We also missed out on a rally from home improvement companies which strongly benefitted from the Covid related increase in home renovation and repairs

Please let us know if you have any questions.


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Var Capital

41 & 43, Maddox Street
Mayfair, London
+44 207 0960 790

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Finalist: Family Office of the year – Magic Circle Awards 2020
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