VAR CAPITAL gets mentioned in Financial Times: venture capital to involve younger members

Vikash Gupta, the CEO and Co-Founder of VaR Capital was mentioned by FT in context of family offices using venture capital to involve younger members.

An extract of the article:

Often, though, it is the nature of the investment, not just the numbers, that enthuses the 20- or 30-year-olds. “Older family members are often comfortable in their own sector,” explains Vikash Gupta, founder of multifamily office VAR Capital. “Younger family members or the next generation are more open to partnering up with professional PE and VC houses so they can get exposure to interesting companies . . . [they] get excited by the opportunities in VC sector that are focused on the latest technology companies, such as AI or blockchain.”

These technologies are closer to their experience and day-to-day lives, points out Wethered. “The young are certainly more likely to have a cryptocurrency wallet than the older investor — millennials are also more likely to have a fintech account such as Revolut.”

That can make tech “incubators”, such as Telefonica’s start-up accelerator Wayra, which seeds, launches and guides young entrepreneurs, a focus for families’ younger generations.

Click here for the whole article


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